In honour of W Edwards Deming, the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) set up the Deming Prize in 1951. It recognises both individuals for their contributions to Total Quality Management (TQM) and businesses that have successfully implemented TQM.

The award focuses on industrial manufacturing in a standard and repetitive environment. The TQM philosophy adoption can be used to scale, improve or sustain partial or complete business operations. If a business achieves passing points or higher, it will be awarded the Deming Prize. Potential recipients of the prize can vary each year based on the score.

The Deming Prize and Deming Grand Prize have the toughest award criteria compared to EFQM and MBNQA. In the past 20 years, more than 50 Indian organisations have implemented TQM and attained esteemed global recognition.

Our offerings

The following are our customisable solutions for industrial and product manufacturing companies.

  • TQM diagnostic study with baseline score and insights on areas for improvement
  • Deming Prize-based training delivered by certified experts
    • Leadership Awareness Session on Deming Prize and Deming Grand Prize
    • Sessions on TQM fundamentals and implementation for nominated personnel
  • Deming Prize advisory and the journey to award application:
    • End-to-end engagements, beginning with initial TQM assessment, followed by planning, and executing the implementation strategy consisting of timelines, target score, strategic goal setting, roadmap creation, capability and culture building, training, periodic reviews, and assessments by senior experts
    • Complete support for Deming Prize Application documentation and the coordination for the award process with the Deming Prize Steering Committee.

TQM Differentiators

  • Strong foundation towards quality in various dimensions, which can be clubbed along with TQM to yield higher results
  • Experience in improving business results (EBITA improvement)
  • Collaborative approach to provide digital and analytical intelligence for business outcome
  • Practical implementation experience in the application of industry 4.0 practices

Business impact of TQM

  • Effective alignment to operations
  • Reduce delivery cost
  • Better business outcomes
  • Enhanced market share
  • Flexible business operations