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Auto Inc pushes ‘China plus one’ strategy; semiconductor shortage challenge to gradually.....

Auto Track Q2F22 delves deep into the automotive industry overview, India’s readiness for localisation and potential for ‘China plus one’ strategy as well as long and short-term solutions for semiconductor shortage.

As automakers globally move to clean connected vehicles, there is a need for the component industry to enhance its focus, investments, research and development on all clean powertrain technologies. For this, many multi-national organisations are adding new operations in developing Asian countries like India, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh and Malaysia, remaining open to other new manufacturing opportunities.


Saket Mehra, Partner and Automotive Sector Leader, Grant Thornton Bharat says, “India is expected to benefit from its competitive advantage and low-cost manufacturing facilities. We need to make a successful transition to high technology and value-added products, which will act as an important growth driver. Overall, we see a successful transition where the industry would accomplish several notable trend lines this year and in the coming decade.


Favourable factors of production towards a strong business ecosystem

·         Increased value addition

·         De-risk local manufacturing

·         Investment in innovative technology

·         Conducive business environment

·         Incentivising government policies

India, Mexico and Vietnam are undertaking initiatives and implementing policies that will facilitate their emergence as the new hub for manufacturing. From increasing adoption of technology to relaxation of FDI norms, implementation of reforms in land acquisition, countries are now steadily catching up with the alternative sourcing giants in the world


In the light of ‘China plus one’ strategy for India, auto and auto component industries could work together in developing technologies and take advantage of the global market while leaving imprints on the global value chain. In order to develop India as a sourcing hub; the domestic industry needs to move as close as possible to ‘Carbon Net Zero’ with local manufacturing.


Apart from this, the chip shortage has currently created a ripple effect while impacting businesses across the value chain as OEMs and their suppliers scout for chip sources. Both the auto players and the semiconductor manufacturers need to align their short and long-term strategies to overcome this supply-chain disruption. By next year, the shortage is likely to improve gradually.


Refer to report attached for more insights on sales trend, semi-conductor shortage and opportunities for India.


Key highlights of the report:

  • High vehicle prices (on the back of increased commodity prices) may not reinstate until 2023.
  • 12 key components have been identified with localisation potential, seeking to cut imports by 15-20% or INR 34,400 crore over a period of five years.
  • The semiconductor shortage has resulted in an increased lead-time from six weeks in July to a record high of 21 weeks in August.
  • Semiconductor shortage expected to improve gradually by 2022.
  • Japan has emerged as an enabling force in key nation building initiatives with India aspiring to be a leading power in a multipolar world, sourcing technology, investments, and development assistance to modernise its economic foundation.