Our experts are uniquely placed to help companies expanding in the UK or coming to India because our teams span the globe. Joining our network is equivalent to having access to experts and ideas from across the world.

We help organisations navigate today’s volatile markets, by delivering insights to succeed, with a strong focus on quality. We help businesses achieve their objectives and work with the public sector to build thriving communities and with regulators and financial institutions to build trust and integrity in markets.

Bound by history and generations

India’s multifaceted relationship with the UK was strengthened to reach a strategic partnership level in 2004. The partnership agrees to intensify cooperation in priority sectors such as civil nuclear energy, space, defence, combating terrorism, science and technology, education and culture.

The UK is considered to be one of India’s most important trading partners with a bilateral trade relationship worth over $ 44 billion. Trade in services constituted a significant part of the total trade.

The UK ranks sixth and has also been a major investor in India with FDI inflows of over $35 billion between April 2000 and March 2023, about 6% of all foreign direct investment (FDI) into India. For India, the UK remains one of the top destinations for investment in the Europe. Indian companies have made significant investments in the UK leading to the largest employment generation by any country.

Grant Thornton Bharat and Grant Thornton UK have been working closely in the India-UK corridor for nearly three decades to identify growth and expansion opportunities for companies in both the countries. The future of India-UK economic relationship will focus on narrowing down trade barriers, creating jobs and encouraging jobs in this very important corridor.
Pallavi Joshi Bakhru Partner and India-UK Corridor Lead, Grant Thornton Bharat

Investing in the UK

Experts from India and the UK engage in a discussion to explore investment opportunities in the UK in the post-COVID-19 world.

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Top UK firms investing in India

Know all about the India-UK business landscape and the top companies investing in India in our report in collaboration with CII.

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