Thought leadership

FX & Beyond: Shaping India’s AVGC Landscape

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The AVGC-XR sector merges creative pursuits with technology, unlocking new possibilities. More than 20% of the Indian Media & Entertainment (M&E) revenue market share comes from AVGC, which is poised to rise even further. The industry has exemplified how India’s creative sectors can rise to prominence extending its reach to every format and device in which pixels are produced and consumed.

Beyond financial rewards, AVGC-XR promises to present India’s rich cultural heritage to a global audience, championing the vision of Brand India.

In the coming years, the sector shows potential to become a creative powerhouse, delivering captivating experiences through cutting-edge animated films and episodes, innovative visual effects, state-of-the-art gaming, and compelling comics. The sector also demonstrates significant economic potential, with the capacity to generate 2 million jobs over the next 8-10 years, creating diverse employment opportunities across various skillsets & levels.

The report ‘FX & Beyond: Shaping India's AVGC Landscape’, delves into the sector’s evolving trends, opportunities, and role of technological innovation & artificial intelligence.