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Financial Services Risk: Regulatory updates - Insurance

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The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) introduced a range of regulatory updates between April and July 2024. These insurance sector updates, comprising circulars, master circulars, press releases and other regulations, reflect the ongoing efforts to strengthen the regulatory framework governing the sector. IRDAI has consolidated and updated previous regulations on registration, capital structure, transfer of shares and amalgamation of insurers with the intent to streamline and update regulatory requirements for insurance companies, enhancing clarity, consistency and compliance.

In its attempt to safeguard policyholders' interests and uphold fair practices within the industry, IRDAI regulatory updates aim to ensure fair conduct by insurers and distribution channels through Protection of Policyholder's Interests, Operations and Allied Matters of Insurers Regulations. Insurers are now mandated to offer more comprehensive disclosures on policy terms, conditions and costs. Additionally, they must rigorously assess product suitability to align with policyholders' needs. To enforce these standards, IRDAI will increase its oversight and ensure strict compliance.

Prioritising financial stability, effective risk management and transparent operations, the authority has notified Actuarial, Finance and Investment Functions of Insurers Regulations that provide a detailed framework for actuarial reports, certifications and governance oversight for the actuarial function, with special emphasis on solvency and capital adequacy requirements, along with accurate financial disclosures. They also specify the conditions for investment in specific categories to ensure compliance and risk mitigation along with valuation methodology, operational procedure and disclosure norms.

As the Indian insurance sector has evolved and expanded significantly over recent decades, introducing new products, services and technological innovations, the need for a more robust and comprehensive governance framework has become evident. The IRDAI (Corporate Governance for Insurers) Regulations have been revised with the objective of addressing the growing complexities and demands. They apply to all domestic insurance companies, encompassing life insurers, non-life insurers, health insurers and standalone micro-insurers registered in India. This ensures consistent governance practices throughout the domestic insurance landscape.

For insurers who have been granted a certificate of registration to carry out the business of general insurance, health insurance and life insurance products in India, IRDAI (Insurance Products) Regulations have been consolidated to facilitate the design of innovative products by promoting ease of doing business and enhancing insurance penetration, enabling insurers to swiftly adapt to the evolving market demands. These regulations, coupled with the de-notification of previous tariffs, general terms and conditions, policy, and endorsement wordings, present a unique opportunity to create simplified, easy-to-understand insurance products tailored to individual customer needs, which provides customers with ample choices and enhances their overall insurance experience.