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Column: Fix internal financial control issues fast

15 Aug 2014

India’s Companies Act, 2013, sets new standards of corporate governance for the entire world. Out of 470 sections and 29 chapters, 282 sections are already in force and final Rules on 19 chapters have been made effective from April 1, 2014.

Smart cities, a necessity

13 Aug 2014

Development of smart cities is no more a choice, but a necessity for India. Rapid migration to cities is putting huge pressure on the existing resources and infrastructure. It is necessary, therefore, to deploy innovative solutions to make Indian cities more livable and sustainable for the communities of tomorrow. Developing smart cities can help solve a host of problems being faced by the growing urban population.

No Roadmap Announced But Opportunity Not Lost Yet!

04 Aug 2014

India to reap timely and apt benefits out of an eased tax structure of the likes of GST

‘Growing communities: How charity leaders govern social media globally to thrive online’

18 Jul 2014

Social media changes the game for charities: Pioneers will reap the benefits

Indian companies may see 20-year bull run in US

04 Jul 2014

Grant Thornton is predicting an almost two-decade-long bull run by mid-size Indian companies, including the much hyped e-commerce industry, in the US capital markets. While Chinese companies have burnt their fingers in US due to lack of governance and accounting norms, Stephen M Chipman, CEO, Grant Thornton, believes that Indian companies have an advantage as, “India is a long way further down the road in terms of corporate governance.” Chipman, who was recently in Bangalore, spoke to TOI on the bullish future for bilateral Indo-US business ties. Excerpts:

M&A deals value at $16.3 bn in January-May this year – Grant Thornton

17 Jun 2014

Merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in India showed a significant uptrend during May as the month witnessed transactions worth USD 4.4 billion, taking total deal tally to USD 16.37 billion in the first five months of this year.

The Audit Revolution: Mandatory Firm Rotation

09 Jun 2014

April 1, 2014 will be remembered as a very significant day for corporate India. On this date, 184 sections of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) came into effect, and with it completely changed the Indian corporate landscape. The landmark act included sweeping changes that are unlikely to be seen most lifetimes and will impact the way the way business is done in India through companies- promoter owned, multinational, large, medium and small.

Deal Tracker Q1 2014

29 Apr 2014

Raja Lahiri – Partner at Grant Thornton India LLP speaks to CNBC TV 18 on the findings of the Deal Tracker for Q1 2014

Indian business optimism at its highest since 2010: Grant Thornton

25 Apr 2014

Vishesh Chandiok, National Managing Partner at Grant Thornton India, said: “Appreciation in the rupee, dramatic reduction in gold imports, stock markets near life-time highs, and improved forecasts for medium-term GDP growth has all helped boost business optimism.”

Grant Thornton in India appoints Vidya Rajarao as Partner and National Leader to lead its Forensic Services practice

23 Apr 2014

Grant Thornton in India recently appointed Vidya Rajarao as partner to lead the Firm’s Forensic Services practice. She brings with her 15 years of investigative and forensic consulting experience in USA and India.